Elevate Your Public Speaking by Bidding Farewell to These 7 Habits

Photo by Zeynapkaya from iStock

Do you ever find yourself reflecting on past presentations, wondering why your audience wasn't as captivated as you'd hoped? Perhaps you might be contemplating whether your speaking style is truly engaging or bordering on dull. If you're looking to change the way things turn out better than the last time, maybe it's time to bid farewell to these seven habits that might be sabotaging your potential.

1. Monotony

Monotony is the silent audience repellant. Break free from the monotony trap by infusing variety into your speech. Modulate your voice, use purposeful gestures, and remember that engaging speakers are akin to skilled musicians – they know when to change the tempo.

2. Information Overload

While knowledge is power, overwhelming your audience with information is counterproductive. Focus on a few key points, allowing your audience to absorb and appreciate your message without drowning in a sea of facts and figures.

3. Silence

Don't fear the pause. Strategic silences can emphasize key points, provide time for reflection, and build anticipation. Think of silence as a tool to enhance the impact of your message, creating a rhythm that keeps your audience captivated.

4. Poor Body Language

Communication extends beyond verbal expression. Over 90% of communication is non-verbal. Be conscious of your body language; it can either reinforce or contradict your spoken words. Your gestures, expressions, and stance contribute to the unspoken language of engagement.

5. Perfection

Perfection is an illusion that adds unnecessary stress. Audiences connect with authenticity, not flawless delivery. Embrace your imperfections; show vulnerability, and watch as your audience resonates with the realness of your message.

6. Substance over Style

Content is crucial, but delivery breathes life into your words. Don't prioritize one over the other. A lively delivery, coupled with substantive content, transforms even mundane topics into intriguing narratives.

 7. Zero Audience Engagement

Shift from the one-way street of traditional public speaking. Involve your audience through rhetorical questions, relatable anecdotes, or interactive polls. Make them active participants, turning your speech into a memorable experience.

Have these at the back of your mind every time.  Each speaking opportunity is a chance to refine your skills and authentically connect with those you’ve been invited to speak to. Embrace this learning process, and watch as your speaking prowess evolves into captivating narratives that leave a lasting impact.

Oluwatoba Adeami

Oluwatoba is a Lifestyle writer, Poet, and a Teacher. He loves everything that speaks art, and charity, and helps others become better at what they do.


  1. Great piece, quite educative.
    Keep up the good work.

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